Travel, Writing and Publishing

Writing in Travel Mode

Sometimes your best work comes in flashes in the pan when you’re traveling.  Try getting away for a few days if you are experiencing writer’s block or publishing road blocks. Traveling offers a variety of benefits and I always recommend it. Your scope and breath of vision widens tremendously when one travels. One of those is visual stimulation. I believe a well-versed writer encompasses much just by sight. A place, person, building or motif that strikes an impression upon you can trigger a powerful affect. In this moment, be sure to have a writing tool with you to jot all these beautiful visions down on paper or smartphone. A vision can give you your next Short Story, Essay or Best-Selling Novel. The greater ability to envision, the richer an author has more to offer. This is just one aspect of gaining more tools in your toolbox to offer your readers. Have you ever experienced this powerful affect while traveling that strikes an impressionable chord in you? Look for me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Thank you for reading and I hope I have helped you break through your writers block pressing you on to fame and your notable moments. I’m Deborah Adoptante, an Author on Amazon.

Writing and Publishing

Being in the Know Leads to Results

Deborah Adoptante

As a 1st Generation Teacher with a Master of Arts in Educational Admistration, my dreams were indeed milestone dreams come true. I sweated fear and I doubted myself fighting long and hard for my dreams, but I went on in spite of my fear and faced the real possibilities of failing. In short, it was one of the hardest things I have ever done. But I did it, yes, yes, yes! When I decided to give up I fought the grain and surprised myself and gained success. I persevered and walked with my Class of 2002 at California State University Bakersfield. As a believer I am here to convince you to look down the evils that haunt you causing you to want to hightail it and run like the wind. I believe in you just as I had to do within me. As a result of combating those in the gutter thinking days that I’m not worth it, I fought to succeed. With that fight now behind me, I will whole heartedly believe in education because for me, it holds many promising aspirations and ambitions.  However, life usually dictates a veering into this thing called fate. While I am still a viable Credentialed Teacher in Retirement, I still have hope of opening my art school filling classrooms and the lights of the stage. For now, I have added a new channeling of writing and authoring into my career.

In my Retirement, I have new aspirations as an Author with my sights set on becoming a Noted-Poet and Artist authoring themes of self-esteem, healing, communication and empowerment. As a realist rooted with sound judgement, I hope to educate healing to heal the wound that each of us must face to overcome. Every person has something he or she struggles with and anyone who says differently is not being honest. Getting past the fears means facing those fears that require a character of courage and bravery to gain the tools for victory. We are all in this weave of Humanity and if I can inspire you to turn your life around then we are all lifted in more profound ways together.

In this current world of scariness from Covid-19, I believe even in our enforced isolations, we can still be connected. And believe me, I am scared too with the many deaths happening at astonomical speeds. As we all face the many tragedic uncertainties from this alarming virus emergency and look at fear in the eye, I also know the hope of a new day will dawn. In that day, a new sun will shine in new possibilities of new dreams. For through the trials and tribulations, a new strength is foraged. Just keep looking and look some more to find the renewal of Spring budding forth new life. As an optimist, storms make way for finding more glorious days with greater appreciations. After Covid-19 passes, I am nerving up to face my anxieties and stage fright with “Live” sessions with all of you on Periscope, YouTube Live, or other Live Platforms. While we are all in this together, let us remember all those who have passed away and their loved ones grieving and deeply affected by Covid19. May God heal you and lift you to new healings of restoration. My heart goes out in hope that this will all be over soon.

Along the way, the goals here on Deborah Adoptante Blog is to help teach you about my findings as an Author, Editor and Publisher. I would have better appreciated my world if I had assessable resources at my fingertips. I published my first book, I HOPE YOU KNOW, Forty-Four Poems and A Love Story, A Deborah Adoptante First Collection in two-thousand-eighteen. My second book, POETRY SWIRL, A Deborah Adoptante Second Collection was published in March of twenty-twenty. My third book, I HOPE YOU SAY and Deborah Adoptante Short Stories Book is in the works. Thank you for allowing me to stumble all over myself in facing my fears but hopefully with grace, fitness and charm.  

I wish you the very best in all your successes on this road of progress.  Stay well, stay home, wash your hands, and keep your distance to help protect yourself and others. Thank you for visiting Deborah Adoptante Blog and look for me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Good Luck in all you do. Deborah Adoptante, Author, Artist, Editor, Publisher